Mentoring 2.0

The article, Mentoring 2.0, found at recommends that individuals participating in mentoring meet face to face regularly, but suggests leveraging technology if distance or time is an issue. During face-to-face meetings, cell phones should be silenced to respect each member’s time.  For communications that are not face to face, recommendations included the use of Google Hangouts, Skype, and message boards as appropriate avenues for communication.  Participation in webinars can improve the skills of both mentors and proteges.  Technology tools such as Google docs and Pinterest are suggested as a means to share ongoing ideas. Communication is meant to be a two way street, with both participants benefiting from the mentoring process.  Mentors may view this as an opportunity to learn new tools to enhance their productivity and technological expertise. 
Please share your experiences using technology to support your mentoring experience. Thanks. Martha


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