Mentoring the Mentor
I just read an article called Mentoring the Mentors in the
College Student Journal. It identifies various practices used to set up a mentoring
program between MD-PhD. students and undergraduates. The program identified that
reflective practice for both mentors and mentees is essential. The mentors used a number of tools to promote active listening. This included an exercise called “Chalk
Talk” which was done in silence, with all participants identifying the
qualities of a good mentor. This activity helped them to recognize the similarities
in their expectations. Group activities promoted active listening. Games such
as “two truths and a lie” reinforced the skill.
Strategies included teaching the mentors to ask open-ended questions of
their mentees, rather than simply providing an answer. Mentors were also encouraged to bounce ideas
off each other. The article identifies that mentoring is a learned skill and
sound listening skills are essential for the process to be successful.
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