Resources about Mentoring

Article #1
Article #2

We have completed the survey process to mentors last week and just sent out a different survey to the mentees this week. I will collate Mentee results at the end of next week.  Some of the feedback from mentors identifies that connections have been difficult. Mentors have indicated that they've reached out, but have had limited success in meeting and building relationships with their mentees. This linked article, Communication is the Key to Successful Mentoring, was written from the perspective of an educator in the K-12 environment. The article promotes taking an active role in communicating with potential mentors and mentors. Sometimes mentoring occurs due to physical proximity and other times it requires a more dedicated approach.  If you have not had success forming a partnership with your mentee, please reach out again. Some of the mentees have already been adjunct faculty, and may feel pretty comfortable with the day to day requirements of their work. Others may simply be overwhelmed. Please don't take it personally; there is much to be gained from participation in a mentoring relationship. Thanks.
The second article is a great reminder of why "Mentoring Matters". Both of the articles came  from and UNC school of education. The goals numbered 1,2,3, & 5 in this article match with the goals of the CCRI Mentoring Program.  If you need a bit of a recharge to your battery, I would encourage you to read this article. It is spot-on  as a reminder of why you decided to join the Mentoring Program at CCRI.  Thanks! Martha  


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