Formal Mentoring Programs - Benefits vs. Costs Part I
Parise, M.R. & Forret, M.L. (2008) Formal Mentoring Programs: The relationship of program design and support to mentors perceptions of benefits and costs, Journal of Vocation Behavior , 72, 225-240. The above article looks at four key aspects of mentoring programs. These include the extent to which mentor participation is voluntary, mentor input into the matching process with proteges, the perceived effectiveness of the training mentors receive, and the perceived level of management support of the program. Additionally, the article looks at the costs and benefits of mentoring programs. In this post, let’s look at the benefits of mentoring. My next post will address the costs of mentoring that the article identifies. Benefits of mentoring include personal satisfaction of mentors as proteges experience success. Mentees can impact the job performance of mentors by providing a new perspectives and knowledge, such as skills relating to new technology. Thirdly, proteg...